Monday, March 30, 2009

Daddy's Girl vs. Mama's Boy

Katie has always been Daddy's girl, from the time Daddy laid his eyes on her in the delivery room. I can't really explain their tight bond but Katie prefers Daddy over Mommy 99% of the time. Carter, however, is all about his Ma. In fact, his first sentence was "I want Ma." I took Katie to a girl's night out with some friends from work the other night. Carter was already asleep when we got home from dinner. When I finally got ready and got into bed, he opened his eyes slightly and said "Ma" and went back to sleep. I just love my little man.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Awww! Yeah, Max has started to show a preference for momma even though he still says dada all the time. good thing ya'll had one of each!