Thursday, February 25, 2010

A quick hello!

This might be a record time between posts. Sorry about that!

The kids are growing up so fast. Carter has been just spewing out words left and right, words I didn't even know that he knew! Its been making every day interesting and it lead to some testy moments with his Jie-Jie, which I know he absolutely adores. We've had fewer tantrums lately and I think that really coincides with his ability to communicate better(or maybe we are doing better at understanding what he's babbling about). He has been very busy at school learning how to do a lot of practical life works, like sewing and cleaning up. I've been trying to encourage him more to play some sports, I think he likes baseball because he gets to "hit" something and no one tells him "di-di, no hitting!"

Katie is continuing to mature as a young lady, although, according to the Montessori Theory, she is leaving the current plane of development, which is one of absorbing information and order and entering a new one where things are out of order and questioning of the information. In simple terms, she's getting just a tad bid wacky, and we're just rolling with the good times and the not so good times. At school she has really taken to reading and just the past few weeks she has been extremely precise at pronouncing new words instead of just sounding out the phonetics. Like her old man, she enjoys reading than math...that's my girl

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snowmen, finally

We finally had a good bout of snow which we could play in and I always wanted to build a snowman but we just haven't gotten enough snow around here lately until now:

OK, so we were missing some anatomical features, but, we made due and made "green" snowmen...

This is why we can't live without the iphone