Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Copy Cat Carter

Its June 2nd already - Carter is going to turn 2 in about 2 months, hard to imagine just how much he's grown in the past few months. His latest thing is copying everything big sister Katie is doing, from climbing on the furniture, to jumping off said furniture, from coloring and drawing (which up to now he has shown zilch interest), to running around the house at wrap speed.

He is so helpful around the house and he just loves to tag along every where we go. His most favorite activity now though, is playing outside and driving his battery powered firetruck(a mini power wheels). I am so amazed by how well he can pilot the firetruck from its parked position in the garage, he can maneuver in between our cars then out into the driveway and down the street without hitting anything....amazing(this will prove useful when the 18 or so kids that live on our street start getting real cars-no hitting parked cars like his mama!)

We draw ever closer to an end to Katie's second year at Follow the Child and Jenny and I are looking forward to Katie's Year End Conference. We are so proud of how much she's accomplished and despite all the attention lavished on Carter, she has truly blossomed into a big girl. Its made the sacrifice to send her to private school all worth it

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