Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Crazy Week

Sorry for the lack of updates - this past week was one of the most insane for both Jenny and I. Kids are doing great in school. Carter's drop off has gotten easier and easier. I asked Katie today if she enjoyed school "a lot" or "a little" and she said a lot. She has really been practicing her reading and is starting to move from phonetically reading everything to recognizing common words.

Couple weekends ago we took the kids on a Heart Walk. The weather was great and I think the kids had a good time

Carter's like...how do you work this thing?

But lately, we've just been chillin at home and really enjoying it. And my little man, Carter he is just a plain goof


Unknown said...

Dear Carter

Way to keep the Disney/Pixar stock up and stimulating the economy!
What is he doing in this picture??

Daddy said...

Yea...we actually have a Disney Credit card now.

Not sure, but he was feeling particularly naughty and he was using the hat to bug Katie by running into her on purpose (he couldn't see when the hat was pulled down)