Monday, August 31, 2009

Schools In

Its been a week since Katie and Carter have started school. Today when I dropped Carter off, there were several kids crying in his class, I thought that I'd be in trouble. As we opened the door to class, he kept saying "no, no, no" but was nonetheless resigned that we were going in anyway. We walked into the class and I directed him to change shoes and hang up his bag , as soon as I could, trying to keep him busy and distracted. He looked at me for a brief moment, trying to decide if he should wail or not, but I guess he thought it might be OK and gave me a hug and kiss and was off doing his work! That's my little man

So we've had a clip of Carter for a while, here's a clip of Katie

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sorry I let your precious boy fall form the swing! I'm glad he seemed to have forgiven me though :P It was good seeing ya'll