Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Carter Has an Opinion

One of my favorite stages of our kids growing up is when they start to communicate verbally. It has been a long time since Katie said "tomoyo" for "tomorrow," or "you talk like a joke" for "you are funny." Carter's vocabulary has exploded recently, thanks to his friends at school. This is a recent conversation we had:

Me: Katie, do you want to go back to Taiwan this summer?

Katie: No, I want to go to Disney instead.

Carter: I want to go to Disney.

**Me thinking: WOW, Carter remembers our Disney trip from almost a year ago.**

Carter: I want to buy BIG che-che.
(che-che is car in Chinese, he likes to say the word "big" very dramatically)

OK, I get it...Carter thinks we are going to the Disney store in the mall.

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