Monday, November 30, 2009

The tree is here

As our Yu family tradition, we set out to go find our Christmas tree
This year, Jenny found a very nice "rounded" one

This year my sisters Alice and Elizabeth and James Shu-Shu came over and we had a lot of fun decorating and hanging out

Monday, November 23, 2009

Getting Ready for the Holidays

Its been a while since our last blog, we've been busy though. Most of the past 2 weeks have been spent getting over various bugs. But Katie and Carter have been spending quality time bonding together, although they still bicker like brothers and sisters usually do from time to time, in general they enjoy playing with one another
Carter's vocabulary has been exploding and its been a treat watching and listening to him develop. His longest sentence is now seven words : "I want to play Wii game please"

Last weekend we hung out a North Hills for a tree lighting

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Look whose Two Wheelin

After only 4 hours... start off with 3 wheels(tricycle) then you get 4 wheels (bike with training wheels), then 2 wheels(bicycle), only to go back to 4 wheels(car) ...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Holloween and Proud Daddy Moment

Here are the kiddos
First, the Dark Lord of the Sith

Followed by, the Princess

On a side note, we got an email from Katie's teacher saying that she's befriended the new student and has made such an impression on her that she(the new student) wants to wait for Katie outside of class so that they can go in together(she was a little bit uneasy about going to class). Way to go Katie!